Back to the Basics

We hope you had a great summer!

School will be starting soon and schedules will start becoming more hectic.  Now, in addition to mom and dad’s different work meetings, kids start having school activities such as orchestra, debate, and sports, to name a few.

A busy schedule is one of the most common reasons to ease up on our oral hygiene regimen.  It is imperative to stand strong for healthy gums and teeth.  Don’t forget to brush at least 2x/day and floss at least 1x/day.  In general, it is safe to switch to a new toothbrush head after about 3 months of use to maintain the toothbrush’s effectiveness.  You can add water flossers or proxy brushes into the mix, but good old brushing and flossing are required for a happy and clean mouth.

And plus, you won’t have to miss any work/school with extra dental visits.


52 Skytop Street

Suite #40, San Jose CA 95134


Call us today!

Opening Hours

Tue - Sat: 9AM - 6PM

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